Wallpapers are priced quite highly in Australia. One always wonders whether to invest in one or not. Also, if you go to stores, prices may vary for different themes and categories, etc. Keeping all these issues in mind Evershine Walls brought a product which has standardised pricing across themes and wallpapers. This ensures that you pay the same price for a wallpaper, after having selected from a wide variety of options. Also, you save the hassle of stepping out and you can order sitting at home with ease and convenience. Our wallpapers are digitally printed and our pricing is competitive with market standards. So go ahead and try a wallpaper for an enriching experience.
Some Salient Features of our Wallpaper Pricing:-
- Evershine Walls offers the best Wallpaper Pricing in Australia.
- Our Prices remain the same whether you choose 6 Sq. Mtr. or 60 Sq. Mtr. of wallpaper. Only the Exclusive Walls section has different prices as the designs and photographs are exclusive to us and we pay royality to our designers and photographers.
- All our Prices include taxes and free delivery across Australia.
- You can even Calculate yourself how much your wallpaper would cost you. Simply, use our Price Calculator, all you would need to enter is the Width and Height, either in centimetres, feet or metres to give you the price. However, the price calculator only calculates standard pricing and may not show you the discounted price.
- All are themes are at the same price, however there may be promotional offers and discounts on certain themes occasionally.
- The charges of installation services may differ based on location, size of the wall etc.
- The Installation cost does not include the cost of repairing walls, and other damages etc.