Let’s dive in the hottest trends of wallpapers in Australia to transform the spaces of homes.
Brick Wallpaper: To give a urban motif or brick texture to your walls, use bric wallpapers.
Cool Wall paper:
You can stay on trend by using cool and chic abstract designs and subtle colours on your walls. You can impose geometric designs on the walls.
.Removable Wall paper:
You can make use of removable wallpapers making it easy for you to install and remove anytime.
Textured Wall paper:
You can give a dramatic twist to your plain walls by using textured wallpapers which give a depth of designs to your walls.
White Wall paper:
You can also keep it clean and sophisticated with white wallpaper, ideal for brightening up any space and creating a timeless look.
3D Wall paper:
Turn your walls work of art with a 3-D wallpaper.
Floral Wall paper:
From small sized botanical blooms to oversized flowers, these floral wallpapers add beauty to your wall.
 Kids Wall paper:
Transformation can be given to your kids’ rooms with the help of the wallpapers having designs of their favourite characters or animals
Bathroom Wall paper:
Waterproof wallpapers can be used to make sure your bathroom space becomes beautifully maintained.
 Vintage Wall paper:
Add a touch of nostalgia with vintage-inspired wallpaper featuring retro patterns and motifs from days gone by.
Tropical Wall paper
Escape to paradise with tropical wallpaper featuring lush foliage, exotic birds, and vibrant colors reminiscent of a tropical getaway.
Custom Wall paper:
You can also customise your wall papers with your own taste and style.